Friday, January 26, 2007

china is posing a threat

I actually think that its pretty funny that china is trying to blow up our satellites. Kinda scary though, but its the fact that we knew how to shoot down satellites for so long but we haven't found a way to keep our satellites from being noked out. We should have known that it was only a matter of time that another country would figure out how to blow up our satellites and we really shouldn't have had our whole military dependent on them. but then again you cant change the past whats done is done. I'm not to sure what we souled do now perhaps we should talk to china and ask why there doing this and see if ther'es any thing we can do. I t may be more difficult then that but i can tell you for sure the last thing we want is another war.


Tim said...

After the 1st line about being funny, you make some good observations. However, you really need to proofread your entry. The lack of spelling really takes away from your argument. There is s spellcheck function in your blog.

Larka Hiwatari said...

I agree with your points. We really should be trying to find ways to protect our satellites